Sizing your jewellery
We all know the size of our waist and our shoe size, but knowing your jewellery sizes isn’t necessarily information on the top of our heads. The good thing is it’s easy you can do it from home and there’s a few different ways to check.. just be prepared to do some arts and crafts.
Option 1 - Arts + Crafts
1. Cut a strip of paper and wrap it round the finger you want to wear your ring.
2. Mark where the strip crosses over.
3. Flatten the paper out and measure in centimetres using a ruler.
4. Send us your measurements when you order your ring and we will do the rest.
Top Tip - Cut the width of the strip roughly to the width of the band, this will make it more accurate.
Option 2 - Can you keep a secret?
If you have tried on a friends ring that fits your finger, you can download and print off a ring chart.
Simply find the size that is the equivalent to the ring.This option is good for when you’re
buying a secret present as you can find their ring size without them knowing ;)
Top Tip - Make sure to measure the inside of the ring and the inside of the
ring illustrations on the chart.
Second Top Tip - On your printer settings make sure you
choose to print at 100% on scale.

Option 3 - Be cheeky
Visit a jewellery store.
Any jewellery store will measure your ring size free of charge.
Top Tip: You may have to pretend that you’re interested in their jewellery.
Option 4 - When in doubt, Amazon.
You can buy a ring sizer off amazon for about £2. Click here for a link to one.
The alternative to this is use a cable tie and draw it in to the second knuckle on your finger (first knuckle on the thumb) and this will ensure it fits your finger without it getting stuck.
Then send the cable tie in the post to us and we can do the rest. (Make sure to label with your name).
Top Tip: Please remember that your finger size changes depending on the time of the day and whether its hot or cold. So we suggest to measure when your hand is warm and then cool - then take the average size.